Conditions Treated

If you've been a lifelong sufferer of back pain, or you've recently experienced a sports injury in Excelsior, Victoria, or Carver, finding a chiropractor near you can be the key you need to make a full and complete recovery. From seeking pain relief to creating a full chiropractic care regimen, Peak Chiropractic is here to help. At Peak Chiropractic, we work to find the root of the issue with all of our patients, whether they're from Chaska, Waconia, or Chanhassen.

Sports Injuries

From pulled muscles and ligaments to broken bones, we will work with you to find the relief you need, and you deserve, to begin playing again. From adjustments and pain relief treatments, we will find the ideal course of treatment for any type of sports injury you've sustained.

Improper Spinal Alignment

If your spine is not properly aligned or if you're dealing with a condition such as scoliosis, ongoing adjustments and monitoring may be necessary. Spinal adjustments and maneuvers can help reset the spine while providing relief from pain and inflammation.

Chronic Inflammation

If you're someone who suffers from chronic inflammation or even an autoimmune disease, we will work with you to implement soft tissue massages and spinal alignment solutions to ease your pain and offer the relief you're seeking. We may also work with you to provide ongoing nutritional counseling to keep inflammation and pain at a distance in your daily life.

How We Treat Conditions at Peak Chiropractic

At Peak Chiropractic, we do not just limit ourselves to standard spinal adjustments, although those may be an excellent form of treatment for those who have suffered a sports injury or are in need of pain relief or realignment. A few areas we specialize in at Peak Chiropractic include:

  • Physical Rehabilitation: This is one of the most common services we provide, as it helps eliminate or reduce chronic and debilitating pain among individuals with mobility issues or, in some cases, even sports-related injuries. Manual therapy and even state-of-the-art equipment may be used during physical rehab sessions.
  • Sports Injury Recovery: During sports injury recovery sessions, we will focus on spinal adjustments, deep tissue massages, and in some instances, even ultrasound therapy, depending on the individual's needs.
  • Traditional Adjustments: If you are struggling with a misaligned spine, we can work with you by offering a chiropractic spinal adjustment. This is optimal for realigning the spine for those who are suffering from neck and back pain or even those with DDD (Degenerative Disc Disease) and herniated discs.
  • Muscle Stimulation: Muscle Stimulation, or E-Stim techniques, help move muscles to increase both circulation and blood flow throughout various areas of the body. This technique is ideal for those who struggle to maintain control of a particular muscle group in the body, ultimately helping to prevent atrophy.
  • Myofascial Release: For those who suffer from myofascial pain syndrome, or MPS, myofascial release can help relieve tightness and pain from the connected tissues surrounding the affected area. Relieving tension and pain can help lead a normal life with minimal disruptions or setbacks, regardless of the extent of your experience.

Contact Peak Chiropractic in Chaska, MN

If you're struggling with chronic pain in Chaska, Chanhassen, Shakopee, or Eden Prairie and you're seeking a chiropractic adjustment or a long-term treatment option for a serious sports injury you've endured, let us help you get your life back on track. At Peak Chiropractic, we will work with you on an individual basis to find the best adjustments, alignments, and procedures that can ensure your pain is minimal, if not entirely gone by the final session we have together.

Office Hours


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


11:00 am - 2:00 pm



7:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
